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Issue Details

Issue #V2#1
Published February 1969
Cover Price 0.35 USD
Pages 52
Editing Carl Burgos?

Cover Details

Genre horror

8 page story "Death Strikes Four"

Synopsis "A voodoo masterpiece that will hold you spellbound in a web of fantastic horror! We dare you to read it!"
Genre occult
Notes Probably an Ajax/Farrell reprint.
Reprinted from ?; in Strange Galaxy (Eerie Publications, 1971 series) #v1#9

6 page story "Dragon Egg!"

Synopsis "The egg hatched and what spilled out was a thing from another age and it cried for blood! - Yeeeechh! - A Dracula playmate?"
Genre horror
Reprinted from Fantastic Fears (Ajax; Farrell, 1953 series) #7 (May-June 1954)

7 page story "Congo Terror"

Synopsis "Beauty, greed and lush deadly jungle combine to bring you a spine-snapping tale of untold terror from beyond civilization."
Genre occult; jungle
Reprinted from Voodoo (Ajax; Farrell, 1952 series) #3

8 page story "The Vanishing Dead"

Synopsis "Even a gravedigger has feelings, but the doctor had to learn the hard way - a ghoulish grisly tale of graveyards."
Genre horror
Notes Probably an Ajax/Farrell reprint.
Reprinted from ?; in Tales of Voodoo (Eerie Publications, 1968 series) #v4#6; in Horror Tales (Eerie Publications, 1969 series) #v2#4

6 page story "Mask of the Monster"

Genre horror
Reprinted from Voodoo (Ajax; Farrell, 1952 series) #10 (August 1953)

7 page story "Cadaver's Revenge"

Synopsis "It's not a comfortable feeling to have a tombstone crush you, especially when you're buried up to your neck!"
Genre occult
Reprinted from Strange Fantasy (Ajax; Farrell, 1952 series) #5

6 page story "Hair Yee-eeee"

Synopsis "Everybody's got hair except the baldies, but who ever heard of hair taking over an entire body? HMMMMMM?"
Genre horror
Script Bruce Hamilton
Reprinted from Strange Fantasy (Ajax; Farrell, 1952 series) #9