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Issue Details

Issue #12
Published September 1952
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Editing Stan Lee

Cover Details - "The Man in the Tomb!"

7 page story "The Hooded Horror!"

Synopsis A gang boss who always wears a hood makes his underlings curious about what lies beneath so one of them uses a knife on him when he's asleep and discovers that the hood really was his head.
Script Stan Lee
Pencils Carmine Infantino
Inks Sy Barry
Reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell (Marvel, 1970 series) #23

2 page text story "Haunted Seas"

Letters typeset

5 page story "Stop the Presses"

Synopsis A reporter is driven to murder the paper's publisher in order to achieve a sensational by-line.
Pencils Gene Colan
Inks Gene Colan
Reprinted in Tomb of Darkness (Marvel, 1974 series) #13

5 page story "The Dummy"

6 page story "The Man in the Tomb!"

Synopsis A mobster wants to join a lodge and for initiation they lock him behind a door with the key hanging outside which can be reached through an opening in the door. The lodge members tell him it is a test to see how long he can remain in a darkened cemetery before he lets himself out, but they decide to move away and change their name since they don't want any criminals in the club. When the crook has had enough, he reaches through the hole in the locked door to get the key, but...he drops it.
Pencils Bob Fujitani
Inks Bob Fujitani
Reprinted in Tomb of Darkness (Marvel, 1974 series) #13

story "Error"

Synopsis A doctor revives a corpse in order to kill for him so he can get enough money to buy his wife a fur coat. After he sends his thrall out for the last murder, he panics when he recalls his wife was a patient of his before they were married. When the zombie returns without a body he is relived until the dead man locks hands around his throat saying "I've fallen in love with your wife myself."
Notes "The Corpse in the Streets" was listed in Dead of Night #7 as from Mystic #12, but it was actually "The Zombie in the Streets" from #21.

story "Error"

Synopsis A man kills a bum and attempts to pin the crime on a neighbor.
Notes Weird Wonder Tales incorrectly attributes this to #12, it is really from #21.
Reprinted in Weird Wonder Tales (Marvel, 1973 series) #6