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Issue Details

Issue #51
Published September 1956
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Editing Stan Lee

Cover Details - "Man in the Dark!"

Pencils Bill Everett
Inks Bill Everett

4 page story "Man in the Dark"

Genre science fiction
Notes a story similar to the Ditko story in Tales to Astonish 40

4 page story "No One Will Ever Know!"

Synopsis An explorer is disappointed to find an apparent city of gold hidden in the jungle only to be told that the samples he has returned with are fool's gold. He is unaware that the area he crossed to get to the city was a large diamond field.
Genre adventure
Pencils Marvin Stein
Inks Marvin Stein

4 page story "Think! If You Dare"

Synopsis A dictator gets a machine that allows him to read the thoughts of his subjects and throws thousands in jail. When the inventor's own family is imprisoned, he fixes the machine so that it produces false results and the dictator's loyal guards are thrown in jail. Angered, they reject his leadership and revolt.
Genre science fiction
Pencils Harry Lazarus
Inks Harry Lazarus

3 page story "Behind the Door"

Synopsis A scientist pulls his ancestor from the past thus wiping himself out of existence.
Genre science fiction
Pencils Lou Cameron
Inks Lou Cameron

2 page text story "The Salesman"

Characters Mr. Frankel; Mr. Karl; Red Mop
Synopsis A dull salesman gets some zing from a famous clown's laughing powder, but learns that confidence is its own magic.
Genre humor
Letters typeset
Notes Text story with illustration.
Reprinted in Strange Tales (Marvel, 1951 series) #120 (May 1964) [page 1]; in Strange Tales (Marvel, 1951 series) #121 (June 1964) [page 2]

4 page story "Wings in the Night!"

Synopsis An eagle disguised as a man coordinates his fellows into helping out with various disasters.
Genre fantasy
Pencils John Forte
Inks John Forte

4 page story "The Imperfect Plot"

Synopsis A man takes a spacecraft that travels close to the speed of light to wed an alien princess fifty light years away, but she rejects him as he is now almost ninety.
Genre science fiction
Pencils Gray Morrow
Inks Gray Morrow