Coming in June, we're hosting a CBCS 10th Anniversary Auction! Now accepting submissions of CBCS-graded comics for auction.

Auction in progress, bid now! Weekly Auction ends Monday May 13!

Best Offer Settings

If you are willing to consider offers from buyers for less than your posted asking price, you can enable offers for your item.

When a buyer makes you an offer, you have 24 or 48 hours to respond by accepting their offer, declining their offer, or making a counter offer (offers made by a buyer on the MyComicShop website expire after 48 hours, and offers made by a buyer on eBay expire after 24 hours). If you accept a buyer's offer, the item is reserved for them and they are required to purchase the item at the agreed upon price.

If you make a counter offer to the buyer, the buyer has 48 hours to respond to your counter offer by accepting, declining, or making a new offer.

No information about the offers on your items is revealed to the public on the MyComicShop web site. Nobody will know how many offers you have received, or what the highest offer amount you previously received and declined is.

Once you have accepted a buyer's offer, they have four days to submit an order for their purchase. The offer will be canceled on the fifth day if it has not been paid for. Buyers who fail to pay for an accepted offer will receive one warning and then be blocked from making offers.

Buyer limit: 3 offers per 10 day period

A buyer can make a maximum of three offers within a ten day period. Witihin that seqeuence, each offer they make must be equal to or higher than their previous offer. Each time you counter offer, your counter offer must be equal to or less than your asking price or previous counter offer. The negotiation ends when one party accepts the other's offer, one party declines the offer, or if an offer or counter-offer expires without a response from the other party.

Once a buyer has made the maximum of three offers, they will be unable to make additional offers on that item until ten days have elapsed. If you don't want to deal with responding to offers you consider too low, you can use the auto decline settings, discussed below.

Auto-Decline Settings

You may optionally specify prices at which to automatically decline offers. Your auto-decline amount is specified as a percentage of your current asking price. Any offers made that are below your auto-decline price will be declined for you without asking you for a response.