Avengers comic books issue 53 2001-2003
Kang War Part 13 of 15. "The Last Castle" Script by Kurt Busiek. Pencils by Kieron Dwyer. Inks by Rick Remender. Cover by Kieron Dwyer. The all-out assault on Kang's Damocles Base is underway! The Avengers and their allies attack on multiple fronts to destroy the Conqueror's powerful orbiting warship! Triathlon and Captain America fight Kang from the triple-evil's pyramid, while the Wasp and Yellowjacket direct fire skyward from the Master of the World's Arctic citadel. Their combined efforts -- plus those of Jonathan Tremont and the Presence -- weaken the base's force field and create an opening for the Avengers' strike force! Thor, Iron Man, Warbird, and the Vision breach the sword-shaped base's exterior and wreak havoc inside! And suddenly the Conqueror is on the ropes -- his Damocles Base in jeopardy of falling from orbit! The Scarlet Centurion escapes in a chronal pod, but Kang vows to go down with the ship! The Conqueror's last stand is coming next issue! Cameo appearances by the 3-D Man and Starlight. 32 pages. Cover price $2.25.